Abstract: Series 105, Lecture 3

The Harvey Lectures Series 105 (2009—2010)

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Lecture #3: Thursday, January 14, 2010 — Time and Location

Initiating and Controlling Immunity with Dendritic Cells

Ralph M Steinman, MD

Ralph M Steinman, MD

Henry G Kunkel Professor and Senior Physician
Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and Immunology

The Rockefeller University

New York, New York

Dr Steinman's Website

The immune system is exceptional for recognizing diverse challenges, infections and many others, in specific ways. Dendritic cells, a distinct lineage of white cells arising from the bone marrow, are essential for understanding critical features of this system. These include the highly organized immune organs to which dendritic cells migrate continously, their uptake and processing of antigens for recognition by lymphocytes, and the role of their pattern recognition receptors for an array of innate and adaptive responses. Dendritic cells are also rational targets to understand clinical conditions that involve the immune system. I will discuss the development of new vaccine strategies for enhancing resistance against infections and cancer, and silencing immunity during allergy, autoimmunity, and transplantation.